Tuesday 28 January 2014


For the Francophone of you, this very recent publication may be of interest:

Didier Plassard (ed.), Mises en scène d'Allemagne(s) (Paris: CNRS, 2014).

It contains chapters on theatre practitioners such as Peter Stein, Thomas Ostermeier, Klaus Grüber, Christoph Marthaler, Claus Peymann, Peter Zadek, Frank Castorf, Einar Schleef, Rene Pollesch and Rimini Protokoll.

My chapter on Christoph Marthaler in this collection offers an in-depth analysis of his 1999 production "Die Spezialisten" (Hamburger Schauspielhaus) and investigates how musical form is used as a core dramaturgical and narrative device.