I am currently embarking on a research project that seeks to explore how music, both as an actual "entity"; (live, recorded, notated etc.) and/or activity and metaphor (the "rhythm"; of a painting etc.) has influence theatre making process in different historical and cultural contexts.
I have had a number of wonderfully helpful e-mails after I posted this project on the e-mail list of SCUDD - the Standing Conference of University Drama Departments - with all kinds of suggestions of past and present theatre practitioners (writers, directors, actors etc.) who fit this search profile.
As many people have also very kindly expressed an ongoing interest in this work, I have decided to start this blog. I aim to comment from time to time on my progress, thoughts and doubts about this project (which is ultimately meant to become a monograph) and welcome comments, queries, discussion and debate.
You can also keep up to date with my activities via http://exeter.academia.edu/Roesner
As many people have also very kindly expressed an ongoing interest in this work, I have decided to start this blog. I aim to comment from time to time on my progress, thoughts and doubts about this project (which is ultimately meant to become a monograph) and welcome comments, queries, discussion and debate.
You can also keep up to date with my activities via http://exeter.academia.edu/Roesner