Friday, 19 August 2011


I was in the middle of drafting the introduction to the book, which I hope to finish before the end of the month, when I got some excellent news: from January my project will be funded through an AHRC fellowship grant for 8 months! This is of course very welcome as it provides valuable time and resources to see this project through as best I can.
I will also mean that I am committed to more activities to disseminate my findings to academics and non-academics and will have the resources to do so. I plan to devise a presentation cum workshop to capture some of the key ideas and take it to a range of audiences - from professional theatres to different institution of theatre education and training. I will post about forthcoming events as they unfold.
But there is another aspect to this funding, that I am quite grateful about: as with all these kinds of solo projects, it is always easy to become doubtful and overly self-critical about them, continuing to question one's premises, methods and the project as a whole - receiving the positive feedback from the AHRC reviewers was therefore at least as important as getting the grant itself, as it provides a collegial support and validation from people in your field.