I will be speaking about musicality in theatre today at the TaPRA conference at the University of Kent, where I have just moved two days ago. I am excited to discuss my work in the context of the working group for Performer Training in the 20th and 21st Century, which is not necessarily my 'natural' habitat, but since a lot of the discourse on musicality is intimately connected with questions of actor and performer training, it will be interesting to get feedback from this background.
I am also looking forward to hear Mario Frendo's paper, who also talks about musicality as dramaturgy: there are a lot of shared interest between our papers (e.g. musicality as emergence of rhythmical structures or melodic associations, as he describes it) but also areas where we approach the notion quite differently, which will make for a productive discussion, I am sure.
In the meantime, the book has progressed significantly and I am in the final stages of finishing the first complete draft and get it ready for proof-reading and further editing.