Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Making some Noise...

As I have found the theoretical paths between Sound/Noise and Performance and Musicality to cross frequently, here are two quick links to recent events:

First, I just attended „Sound and Performance” – the 11th Congress of the Gesellschaft für Theaterwissenschaft (German Society for Theatre Studies) which was held from 4 to 7 October 2012 by the Institute for Music-Theatre Studies (Prof. Ernst, Prof. Mungen) at the University of Bayreuth and gave a keynote entitled: " Mind the Gap! ‘Noise’ in the performative production of sound ".

Second, Lynne Kendrick's and my book "Theatre Noise" (CSP) has just been reviewed very positively by Sarah Mauksch at http://www.theaterforschung.de/rezension.php4?ID=1571. Theaterforschung.de is the main German online hub for theatre scholarship, equivalent perhaps to SCUDD in the UK.

Here is a short excerpt with my translation:
"18 Beiträge liegen hier gesammelt vor, die sich kaleidoskopisch mit den unterschiedlichsten Blickpunkten um die Schlagworte „sound“/„noise“, „theatre“/„performance“ anordnen. Dass diesen so vielfach entgegnet werden kann, zeigt wie zwingend eine profunde Auseinandersetzung mit dem  Verhältnis der Begriffe gefordert war (und ist?). Dieser Band liefert dazu einen detaillierten Einblick in den Status quo der Forschung und den Anwendungsbereich des Theaters, das gleichzeitig Untersuchungsgegenstand ist. Meiner Meinung nach ist die Verknüpfung von Beiträgen aus der Wissenschaft sowie praxisorientierter Handhabe für Fragestellungen dieser Art äußerst sinnvoll. […]
Alles in allem spiegelt dieses Buch die Dringlichkeit zur Auseinandersetzung mit dem Themengebiet wider und den Herausgebern gelingt es, erste intelligente Schlüsse aus der Fülle an Informationen zu ziehen. Aus diesem Grund ist die Lektüre uneingeschränkt empfehlenswert."

"18 chapters are assembled here which are structured around the keywords „sound“/„noise“, „theatre“/„performance“  caleidoscopically from a wide range of viewpoints. That these keywords can be approached in such a variety of ways, demonstrates how timely a profound exploration with the relationship between these terms was (and is?). This volume provides a detailled insight into the status quo of the research and practice of a theatre that is at the same time its topic. In my opinion, the combination of academic contributions with reflections from a practice-oriented background is very sensible for this interrogation. […] All in all this book reflects the urgency of an exploration of this topic and the editors succeed in drawing first intelligent conclusions from the wealth of informations. Therefore reading this book is recommended without reservations."

I won't argue with that!