Last week I summoned my courage and gathered all the 'this will have to be good enough' attitude I could muster have made the final arrangements for submitting the manuscript to the publisher, Ashgate.
I am always amazed how time-consuming the final nitty-gritty layout, proofreading and harmonising is, but at some point even this minute and slightly numbing process is done, and it was time to let go. Not an easy process: one could of course continue working on a manuscript for ever, as there will always be a bit of new information, another reference, a new insight, another typo. So taking a conscious decision to stop fiddling is important.
Still, it is not quite the 'drumroll'-moment, the big finale with glitter and fanfare one secretly envisages throughout the process of writing, given that there will now be a relatively lengthy process of peer reviews, amendments, copy-editing, proofreading, chasing final publication rights for illustrations etc. etc. But despite all this, there is no denying that this project has reached an important milestone, and although I felt having to print all 474 pages was a bit unusual in our digital age, the sheer physical weight of the envelope I sent off brought this home to me quite nicely.